понеделник, 4 ноември 2013 г.

Michelle Pfeiffer Was Put on Strict Diet by Cult

Michelle Pfeiffer
Back when she was no one in Hollywood, Michelle Pfeiffer got into the wrong crowd. The actress confessed that she once joined a cult, breatharianism, that believed human can live without water and food while sunlight provide all the nourishment the body needs.

Pfeiffer said there was a "very controlling" couple who put her on a strict diet. "Their thing was vegetarianism," she told The Sunday Telegraph's Stella magazine, adding "They were very controlling. I wasn't living with them but I was there a lot and they were always telling me I needed to come more. I had to pay for all the time I was there, so it was financially very draining."

The "The Family" star only came to realize when she met actor Peter Horton, who later became her husband. While researching for his movie about the Moonies aka followers of Rev Moon Sun-myung's Unification Church, she realized, "I was in one". Pfeiffer said, "We were talking with an ex-Moonie and he was describing the psychological manipulation and I just clicked."

Pfeiffer, who left home at 20 for Hollywood, did not explain how she broke away from the cult. She divorced Horton in 1988.

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