Aww, Dermot O'Leary. Can we just take a moment and ponder on how much we love him? Dermot and his cheeky little grin. Dermot and the cut of his jib. Dermot and his bulge, er, bulging brain's capacity for remembering every single X Factor hopeful.
Yep, the TV presenter has confessed to getting a wee bit upset every Sunday when he has to take the losing contestant out back and have them shot.
(He doesn't really have them shot, he just turns them over to the Daybreak sofa for that Monday morning debrief.)
"The hardest part of my job is telling the contestants who is going home on the Sunday," he claimed last night.
"There's no getting around it, it is what it is. It is always a sad moment but it's the reality of the show - and we all know it has to happen."
"It gets harder as it goes along," Derm confirmed. ConDermed.
"For me, that connection happens before the live shows even start. By the Judges' Houses stage you have already got to know everyone and have subconscious favourites."
Wait - Dermot has favourites? Who?!? TELL US NOW.
"It's my job not to have favourites but you can't help it because when you're a fan of the show and see it all as a viewer - it's sad to see them go but at least we know they will do well."
So if you pass Dermot on the street of a Monday morn, discreetly sniffling into a hanky and looking a bit red-eyed, give him a gentle pat on the back. Be kind to him, the world.
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