понеделник, 16 декември 2013 г.

Miley Cyrus' Family Creates Reality Show on YouTube

Their weekly video post is called 'Seriously Cyrus' and will feature special shows from each of the family members.

Billy Ray Cyrus, Brandi Cyrus, Tish Cyrus, Noah Cyrus, Trace Cyrus
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Miley Cyrus' family is the new YouTube stars. The singer's older sister Brandi Cyrus introduced a brand new YouTube channel that will feature videos of each of her family members doing something special each week.

Apart from Brandi, participating in the "Seriously Cyrus" channel are Miley's parents Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish, youngest sister Noah and brother Trace. Meanwhile, Miley and another brother, Braison, were briefly introduced as family members but it's unclear how much they will participate.

"As you all know, my family has a lot going on," Brandi said. "That's why we decided to come together and do something special just for you guys, which leads me to welcoming you to the 'Seriously Cyrus' channel."

Tish will have a show called "Truly Tish", Billy will have "Sunday Sessions", Noah will reenact famous movie scenes with her friends while Brandi will give update on the family's social life and reveal her take on fashion and style.

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