петък, 28 март 2014 г.

Stephen Colbert Did NOT Write Offensive and Racist Tweet

The Twitter account 'The Colbert Report' is not directly controlled by either Colbert or his show.

Stephen Colbert
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Stephen Colbert is not the villain in the recent tweet controversy. The talk show host outraged his Twitter followers on Thursday, March 27 for being racist towards Asian people in a post, but as it turned out, he was not the one writing the tweet.

The offensive tweet posted on The Colbert Report account read, "I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever." The tweet was later taken down but it already did the damage. Readers slammed the message and petitioned to boycott Colbert's show by using #CancelColbert hashtag.

The quote originally appeared on Wednesday night's episode of "The Colbert Report", during which Colbert mocked Washington football owner Dan Snyder for creating a foundation to support Native Americans.

Colbert responded, "#CancelColbert - I agree! Just saw @ColbertReport tweet. I share your rage. Who is that, though? I'm @StephenAtHome." The account is owned by Comedy Central. And while Colbert and his show don't have control over it, the account uses quotes from his show.

"For the record @ColbertReport is not controlled by Stephen Colbert or his show. He is @StephenAtHome Sorry for the confusion #CancelColbert," The Colbert Report clarified, adding "This is a Comedy Central account, with no oversight from Stephen/show."

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